Top 5 Presentation Closing Techniques

The silver bullet. The holy grail. The secret sauce. Whatever you call it, every sales person is after it. But what is it? In my opinion, it’s a great presentation that closes deals.

When your cold calls and follow-up efforts have paid off and you have made an appointment to visit a prospect in person, closing the deal typically comes down to a killer sales presentation. In other words, stellar presentations are the key to crushing your sales goals.

Here are 5 presentation techniques to help you close more deals:

Face-to-Face Selling with the iPad

Present engaging, interactive content that goes beyond paper and boring slide decks by leveraging the iPad. Not only is this a more effective way to engage your audiences, using the iPad for presenting sales materials means your marketing team can push out new content to the sales team at any time so information and messaging is always current. Share live links to your presentation and update content at any time all while protecting the integrity of your materials and controlling who can access them. What’s more, this approach will allow you to adapt your presentation to your audience’s needs in real-time.


Did you know that humans have a 6-8 second attention span? An interactive presentation is much more likely to keep your audience’s attention, build rapport with them and overcome what has become known as “PowerPoint fatigue.” Enrich sales presentations with interactive features like tappable buttons and video cover pages. Ask questions. Add HTML links. Show photos. Add animations. All of these additions will help your presentation stand out and create an impression.


According to a study and infographic by iScribblers, our brains process visuals 60,000 times faster than words. In fact, 30% of our brain is engaged in the task of processing visual information vs. just 3% for hearing, as noted by Discover Magazine. This means that the probability of keeping viewers engaged during an online presentation increases drastically when visuals are the primary content being shown.

What kind of visuals are the most effective? Prospects are up to 85% more likely to buy a product or service after watching a video. That’s because videos improve both engagement and retention. Leverage videos that both reinforce your story and explain an important concept.

Second Level Content

If someone is taking time out of their day to listen to you, you should be delivering something extra they can’t find online or in a written report. Even more important to note is that people retain 65% to 70% of information from stories, but only 5% to 10% of information from data and statistics. Keep prospects interested and add color by using anecdotes and case studies to tell a story that is compelling and digestible. Share the story of a client who faced a similar key challenge and solved it with your product. Create a personalized presentation that takes into account a customer’s specific needs and goals.

Dynamic Navigation

Have you ever been in the middle of a presentation and the customer asks you a question that you know is answered a few slides ahead of where you are? Using a presentation platform that allows for dynamic navigation ensures it’s possible to react and respond to the customer efficiently and effectively. Just because you’ve “always used” PowerPoint doesn’t mean it’s the right tool -- explore your options and find a tool that will be an asset and not a hurdle.

For more information about how Ingage can boost your customer engagement and sales, visit, email, or call (212) 608-9146.

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